Dr. Stefan Dörr
Curriculum vitae
Ten years experience as an internal senior consultant and manager in the HYPO-Bank AG and HypoVereinsbank AG:
Internal change management consultant at the corporate level for Marketing and Corporate Planning in the HYPO-Bank AG.
Consultant for management diagnostics and development in the Human Resources corporate Level in the HYPO-Bank AG
Head of personnel management and development in the area Bank Corporate Clients in the HYPO-Bank AG and HypoVereinsbank AG
Merger manager for post-merger integration projects in the HypoVereinsbank AG
Founding of the consultancy A47 Consulting with Dr. Ulfried Klebl and Dr. Brigitte Winkler at the end of 1999
2010 - 2013 Professor for business psychology for diagnostics and leadership at the University of Applied Science for Management in Erding
Study of Psychology with a major in Business and Organisational Psychology with a minor in Employment Law at the LMU MĂĽnchen
Doctorate for Dr. rer. nat. with the title „Motive, Influence Strategies and Transformational Leadership as factors of Effective Leaders“, supervisors were Prof. Dr. G. Maier and Prof. Dr. D. Frey
Training for Change Management at AKOe (Prof. Dr. Schley, Uli Hage, Stefan Fröhlich)
Diverse training/education in conflict management, group dynamics, coaching, business management methods
Membership in the Academy of Management (Divisions Management Consulting, Organizational Change)Â
Acquisition of the licence for DIN 33430 for proficiency assessment procedures and their professional implementation
Acquisition of the European certificate in Psychology of the European Federation of Psychologists Associations
Zertifizierung zum Senior Coach BDP durch den Bund Deutscher PsychologInnen
Seit 2015 Coach im European Leadership Network ELN, fĂĽr Senior Manager und Executives.
LEAD-Leadership Competency Model

Consulting Range
Research and Teaching
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Telephone | +49 89 33036837 |
Telefax | +49 89 33036841 |
Mobile | +49 172 86 58 430 |